I thought it might be fun (and self-motivating) to create a weekly or bi-weekly series on interesting Python / Tech news items. I realize this is pretty unoriginal, but I like the idea of creating a regular “column” and I’m hoping it will help me stay in the writing groove. Ned Batchelderr does this sort of thing from time-to-time too, so feel free to check his out as well. I’ll include some comments so you know what your getting and what I think about the topic, if anything.
- Bluebream is the new Zope 3. Yes, this is old news, but I keep forgetting the new name.
- Some would say this is old news too: Pyramid is the new Pylons. Reminds me of Pinax and Django really. Maybe I’m doing this to help me keep track of the always changing Python web frameworks!
- PyPy 1.4 is out! I’ve never used PyPy, but I like the concept. Unfortunately, there’s no Windows version of this release. On the bright side, Chui Tey has written an article on how to build one.
- Don’t know how to compile PyCrypto on Windows 64-bit machines? Read this article and increase your knowledge!
- Your favorite snake birthed it’s latest: Python 3.2 beta 2. Read about what’s new or just download it and start reporting any bugs you find.
- I just discovered this: an interactive browser-based Python console built with Silverlight / IronPython by Michael Foord. Note: this crashed in Firefox – YMMV
- Python GUI toolkit updates: PySide 1.0.0 Beta 2 (the open source version of PyQt by Nokia) and PyGUI 2.3.3
- The Python Certificate and a thread on the topic with Steve Holden answering questions.
If you have some Python news items that you think I should include in an upcoming post, just drop me a line or leave a comment.