My latest Python book is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter.

JupyterLab, the latest iteration of the Jupyter Notebook, is a versatile tool for sharing code in an easily understandable format.
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Jupyter Notebooks or variations of the Notebook architecture for any or all of the following:
- teaching
- presentations
- learning a computer language
- numerical simulations
- statistical modeling
- data visualization
- machine learning
- and much more!
Jupyter Notebooks can be emailed, put on GitHub, or run online. You may also add HTML, images, Markdown, videos, LaTeX, and custom MIME types to your Notebooks. Finally, Jupyter Notebooks support big data integration.
JupyterLab 101 will get you up to speed on the newest user interface for Jupyter Notebooks and the other tools that JupyterLab supports. You now have a tabbed interface that you can use to edit multiple Notebooks, open terminals in your browser, create a Python REPL, and more. JupyterLab also includes a debugger utility to help you figure out your coding issues.
Rest assured, JupyterLab supports all the same programming languages as Jupyter Notebook. The main difference lies in the user interface, which this guide will help you navigate effectively and efficiently.
After reading JupyterLab 101, you will be an expert in JupyterLab and produce quality Notebooks quickly!
What You’ll Learn
In this book, you will learn how about the following:
- Installation and setup of JupyterLab
- The JupyterLab user interface
- Creating a Notebook
- Markdown in Notebooks
- Menus in JupyterLab
- Launching Other Applications (console, terminal, text files, etc)
- Distributing and Exporting Notebooks
- Debugging in JupyterLab
- Testing your notebooks
Rewards to Choose From
As a backer of this Kickstarter, you have some choices to make. You can receive one or more of the following, depending on which level you choose when backing the project:
- An early copy of JupyterLab 101 + all updates including the final version (ALL BACKERS)
- A signed paperback copy (If you choose the appropriate perk)
- Get all by Python courses hosted on Teach Me Python or another site (If you choose the appropriate perk)
- T-shirt with the book cover (If you choose the appropriate perk)
Get the book on Kickstarter today!