It’s almost the end of January already and PyCon USA 2011 is just around the corner. In this edition, we cover a wide variety of topics, from Python 2.7 – 3.x. We’ve got sprints, new books, web-related projects and good old recursion articles. Come one, come all! Read the news of the week!
- eWeek reports that Python Skills are in demand this year
- zzzeek’s Guide to Python 3 Porting by Michael Bayer, the man behind SqlAlchemy.
- Foundations of Python Network Programming: A Last Hurrah For Python 2. Brandon Rhodes (former editor of Python Magazine) talks about a book he just finished writing.
- Python Sprints is sponsoring Software Carpentry 2011. Details are sparse and I’m not really familiar with either organization, but this sounds interesting.
- Shannon Behrens talks about Python SSL Hell on his blog
- Learn how to deploy Python WSGI apps behind nginx
- Learn New-style PyQt Signals and Slots on Mario Boikov’s blog
- Building Python with LLVM 2.8 (and why I still love the project) by Brett Cannon.
- A little discussion of tail recursion can be found in the following article: Tail Recursion in Python using Pysistence
On the PyCon front, you should take note the Early Bird pricing is now over. Why did you wait? Fortunately, they are still selling tickets, so stop stalling and just come! The PyCon blog also mentions that they’re still looking for sponsors, so if you or someone you know has that kind of cashola, point them in that direction.
And now we return you back to your regularly scheduled blog reading…