Hi! I’m Mike Driscoll. I am the creator of this blog and the author of several books. Click on any of the following titles to learn more.
Automating Excel with Python
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Pillow: Image Processing with Python
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Python 101
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Python 201: Intermediate Python
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wxPython Cookbook
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wxPython Recipes
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Python Interviews: Discussions with Python Experts
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ReportLab: PDF Processing with Python
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Jupyter Notebook 101
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Creating GUI Applications with wxPython
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It is one of the best Python programming books I’ve read. It is topic wise always on point. The only thing that I see that could be improved, is the print version.
What would you improve about the print version? I did update it to use a more professional layout like I did with Python 201, if that matters.
I saw a preview of the printed version here, which looked out dated (style wise). But I can’t find the link anymore. Did you removed them? I really liked that I could take a peek in the printed version. Also that I could read a sample chapter of the ebook version. I bought the ebook, because of the sample chapter. And buying them from Leanpub was an easy thing to do. (Getting them on my phone was a bit confusing though.)
I now use the PDF version that Leanpub generates, which looks a lot more professional than my original method of generating the book. Also Leanpub now hosts some sample chapters on the book’s page – https://leanpub.com/python_101/ (see the “Read free sample” button)
For the ebook version, I suggest to stick with Leanpub. Their interface is way more user friendly then GumRoad. And I want a way to have a look in the printed version. If the printed version looks as good as the printed version, I can‘t tell for now.
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