
Python 3 Concurrency – The concurrent.futures Module

The concurrent.futures module was added in Python 3.2. According to the Python documentation it provides the developer with a high-level interface for asynchronously executing callables. Basically concurrent.futures is an abstraction layer on top of Python’s threading and multiprocessing modules that simplifies using them. However it should be noted that while the abstraction layer simplifies the

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Python 201: A multiprocessing tutorial

The multiprocessing module was added to Python in version 2.6. It was originally defined in PEP 371 by Jesse Noller and Richard Oudkerk. The multiprocessing module allows you to spawn processes in much that same manner than you can spawn threads with the threading module. The idea here is that because you are now spawning

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Python 201: A Tutorial on Threads

The threading module was first introduced in Python 1.5.2 as an enhancement of the low-level thread module. The threading module makes working with threads much easier and allows the program to run multiple operations at once. Note that the threads in Python work best with I/O operations, such as downloading resources from the Internet or

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