
wxPython: Catching Exceptions from Anywhere

The wxPython Google Group was discussing different methods of catching exceptions in wxPython the other day. If you use wxPython a lot, you will soon realize that some exceptions are difficult to catch. The wxPython Wiki explains why. Anyway, the fellows on the list were recommending the use of sys.excepthook. So I took one of

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Python 101: Reading and Writing CSV Files

Python has a vast library of modules that are included with its distribution. The csv module gives the Python programmer the ability to parse CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. A CSV file is a human readable text file where each line has a number of fields, separated by commas or some other delimiter. You can

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Python Concurrency: An Intro to Threads

Python has a number of different concurrency constructs such as threading, queues and multiprocessing. The threading module used to be the primary way of accomplishing concurrency. A few years ago, the multiprocessing module was added to the Python suite of standard libraries. This article will be focused on the threading module though.

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