
Reportlab – How to Create Barcodes in Your PDFs with Python

The Reportlab library is a great way to generate PDFs in Python. Recently, I noticed that it has the ability to do barcodes. I had heard about it being able to generate QR codes, but I hadn’t really dug under the covers to see what else it could do. In this tutorial, we’ll take a […]

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PyDev Starts a Crowdsourcing Campaign on Indiegogo

Fabio Zadrozny, the primary developer behind PyDev has started a campaign on Indiegogo to fund continuing development of PyDev. In case you’re new to Python development, PyDev is a plugin for Eclipse that provides a nice Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python, Jython and IronPython in the Eclipse environment. You can read about why Fabio

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wxPython: How to Double-click an Item in an ObjectListView Widget

This week, I needed to figure out how to attach an event handler that would fire when I double-clicked an item (i.e. row) in an ObjectListView widget that was in LC_REPORT mode. For some reason, there isn’t an obvious mouse event for that. There is an EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK and an EVT_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK, but nothing for LEFT clicks

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Real Python for Web Development Book on Kickstarter

Last week I was contacted about a cool sounding book project on Kickstarter: Real Python for Web Development, featuring web2py by Michael Herman. I have to admit that I’m not familiar with Mr. Herman or the person who originally contacted me about the book, but since I enjoy reading Python books and this one sounded

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Python Gets Funded by DARPA for Big Data Project: Blaze

I first heard about Blaze from NumPy’s original developer’s blog back in December 2012. A few days ago, InformationWeek announced that DARPA was funding the project to the tune of $3 million dollars to get some big data libraries written for Python. There will be two new projects, Blaze and Bokeh. Blaze will be an

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Central Python Events Calendar Announced

The Python Software Foundation recently put out an announcement about a central Python events calendar. I thought that was really cool, so I’m reproducing their announcement here. Spread the word! ________________________________________________________________________ ANNOUNCING Central Python Events Calendars maintained by the Python Software Foundation (PSF) and a group of volunteers ________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION The PSF has put together

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Python 101: Exception Handling

Python provides robust exception handing baked right into the language. Exception handing is something every programmer will need to learn. It allows the programmer to continue their program or gracefully terminate the application after an exception has occurred. Python uses a try/except/finally convention. We’ll spend some time learning about standard exceptions, how to create a

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