
wxPython Project Phoenix Documentation Beta Released

The wxPython project’s Phoenix release is slowly coming along. Phoenix is the codename for the new wxPython that will support both Python 2.x and 3.x. Anyway, Andrea Gavana has put together some autogenerated documentation using Sphinx on top of Doxygen. You can read about the announcement including any known issues on the wxPython mailing list. […]

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PyCon USA Registration is Open and Tutorials Are Up

The 2012 Python Conference USA opened Registration today. The official announcement doesn’t mention it, but I’m pretty sure there’s an attendance cap on this conference too of 1500 just like last year. You should sign up early not only because of the limited attendance, but because there are “Early Bird” rates which are cheaper! The

PyCon USA Registration is Open and Tutorials Are Up Read More »

ANN: MediaLocker – A wxPython App to Track Your Media

Background ================ This is the first release of a real project that I’ve been involved in. I had written an article last month that inspired Werner Bruhin to want to take it and make it into a demonstration program for new wxPython programmers in how to do MVC and CRUD while interfacing with a database.

ANN: MediaLocker – A wxPython App to Track Your Media Read More »

Python Voted Best Programming Language 3 Years Running

The Linux Journal readers have good taste. This is the 3rd year that they have voted Python as the Best Programming Language. Oddly enough, C++ is the runner-up. I personally liked C++ when I was in school, but the two languages are quite different. On the other hand, Python interfaces with C/C++ pretty well, so

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Improving MediaLocker: wxPython, SQLAlchemy, and MVC

This blog ran an article about wxPython, SQLAlchemy, CRUD and MVC earlier this month. The program that we created in that post was dubbed “MediaLocker”, whether or not it was explicitly stated as such. Anyway, since then, I have received a couple comments about improving the program. One came from Michael Bayer, one of the

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wxPython and SqlAlchemy: An Intro to MVC and CRUD

In this article, we will be creating a program to store our personal books or perhaps just the books you’ve read. It will demonstrate how to combine wxPython and SqlAlchemy, a SQL Object Relational Mapper (ORM). This program will also give you an introduction to the model-view-controller (MVC) and “create, read, update and destroy” (CRUD)

wxPython and SqlAlchemy: An Intro to MVC and CRUD Read More »

October 2011 Pyowa Wrap-up

We had our October Pyowa meeting last night (10/07/2011) at the IMT Group building in West Des Moines, IA. One of their programmers gave a talk on the python open document (pod) library that is included with the Appy framework. The gist of the talk was that you could create template files in LibreOffice or

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