
wxPython: New Widget Announced: XLSGrid

Recently, Andrea Gavana, developer of the agw library in the wxPython code base, released his newest widget: XLSGrid. It’s purpose is to faithfully reproduce the appearance of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (one worksheet per every instance of XLSGrid). This widget is based on wx.grid.PyGridTableBase and wx.grid.PyGridCellRenderer and requires xlrd. Andrea also recommends using Mark Hammond’s

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TurboGears 2: Setting up on Windows

TurboGears is one of several web frameworks for Python that are available. The most popular by far is Django. Where I work, we chose TurboGears because of its integration with SQLAlchemy which supports composite keys. At that time, Django did not support that feature and I am not sure if it does yet. Anyway, I

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wxPython: Get the Event Name Instead of an Integer

There was a recent post on StackOverflow that I thought was interesting. It asked how to get the event name from the event object, such as EVT_BUTTON, rather than the event’s id number. So I did some investigation into the subject and there is nothing builtin to wxPython that does this task. Robin Dunn, creator

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June 2011 Pyowa Wrapup

We had our monthly Pyowa meeting yesterday, Thursday, June 2nd at the IMT Group building in West Des Moines. Refreshments were provided. There was pop and Little Caesar’s pizza. We had two good talks. The first was given by Scott and he spoke on the topics of printing labels to a Dymo label printer using

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PyCon 2011: Sunday Plenaries with Threadless, Disqus and OpenStack

On Sunday, March 13th, the final official PyCon conference day occurred (there were sprint days that followed, of course). Anyway, they had three interesting plenaries to help lead us into that day’s talks. Read on to find out what they were about. The Threadless Plenary Chris McAvoy, VP of Technology at Threadless in Chicago gave

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