Python’s _winreg: Editing the Windows Registry

Python’s standard library is known for including lots of handy modules and packages that can be used without installing anything else. That’s one of the primary reasons that its standard library is called “batteries included” so often. So it should come as no surprise that Python includes a Windows only module for editing the Windows

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wxPython: Putting a Background Image on a Panel

Yesterday, I received a request to create a GUI with Tkinter or wxPython that had an image for the background with buttons on top. After looking at Tkinter, I discovered that it’s PhotoImage widget only supported two formats: gif and pgm (unless I installed the Python Imaging Library). Because of this, I decided to give

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A Simple Step-by-Step Reportlab Tutorial

The subtitle for this article could easily be “How To Create PDFs with Python”, but WordPress doesn’t support that. Anyway, the premier PDF library in Python is Reportlab. It is not distributed with the standard library, so you’ll need to download it if you want to run the examples in this tutorial. There will also

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PyCon 2010: Saturday Session 3 (late afternoon) – Think Globally, Hack Locally

I only attended one of the two talks in the last session of the day. It was presented by Ms. Leigh Honeywell and called Think Globally, Hack Locally – Teaching Python in Your Community. She started “Python Newbie Night” in Toronto, Canada. It was an informal, peer-taught class which often put code up on the

PyCon 2010: Saturday Session 3 (late afternoon) – Think Globally, Hack Locally Read More »