Python 101

Python 101 Screencast Crowdfunding Campaign Re-launched

I’ve finally gotten the Python 101 Screencast campaign relaunched. However I have switched to IndieGogo for the here: The reason for the switch is that they have lower fees and they also allow more types of payment. I always seem to get backers who can’t back my project because Kickstarter doesn’t support their payment

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Python 101 Screencast Update – Another Demo Video

Yesterday I put together another demo of Python 101, the Screencast. This one is based on the first chapter of my book, which covers the basics of IDLE, Python’s built-in development environment. You can check out the video below: The Kickstarter campaign for the screencast series has one more week to go. You can check

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The Python 101 Screencast Kickstarter is Now Live!

My latest project is turning my book, Python 101, into a Screencast. I have started a Kickstarter to raise funds to help in this endeavor. You can check it out here: The basic idea is to take each chapter of the book and turn it into a screencast. There are 44 chapters currently that

The Python 101 Screencast Kickstarter is Now Live! Read More »

The Python 101 Screencast Kickstarter is Launching Soon

I am currently working on another Kickstarter campaign to turn my book, Python 101 into a video series. I am planning on launching this project on Wednesday, March 25th. There are 44 chapters in my book, so I’ll be creating a minimum of 44 screencast videos. Here is what is currently covered in the book

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Python 101: Reading and Writing CSV Files

Python has a vast library of modules that are included with its distribution. The csv module gives the Python programmer the ability to parse CSV (Comma Separated Values) files. A CSV file is a human readable text file where each line has a number of fields, separated by commas or some other delimiter. You can

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Python: How to Create Rotating Logs

Python’s logging module has lots of options. In this article, we will looks at the logging module’s ability to create Rotating Logs. Python supports two types of rotating logs: Rotate logs based on size (RotatingFileHandler) Rotate the logs based on some time interval (TimedRotatingFileHandler) Let’s spend some time learning how each of these two types

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Python 101: An Intro to ConfigParser

Configuration files are used by both users and programmers. They are usually used for storing your applications settings or even your operating system’s settings. Python’s core library includes a module called ConfigParser that you can use for creating and interacting with configuration files. We’ll spend a few minutes learning how it works in this article.

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