
Python 201: Intermediate Python FREE until Wednesday!

I decided it would be fun to give my latest book away for free until this Wednesday, Oct 19th. So starting today, you can get Python 201: Intermediate Python free through Gumroad or Leanpub. If you go with Gumroad, then you will need to use the following offer code: 201free. Note that if you want […]

Python 201: Intermediate Python FREE until Wednesday! Read More »

An Intro to the Python Imaging Library / Pillow

The Python Imaging Library or PIL allowed you to do image processing in Python. The original author, Fredrik Lundh, wrote one of my favorite Python blogs when I first started learning Python. However PIL’s last release was way back in 2009 and the blog also stopped getting updated. Fortunately, there were some other Python folks

An Intro to the Python Imaging Library / Pillow Read More »