
eBook Review: Kivy – Interactive Applications in Python

I recently received a copy of Kivy: Interactive Applications in Python by Roberto Ulloa. This is currently the only book about Kivy. Kivy is a cross-platform GUI toolkit that will run on Linux, Windows, and OS X as well as Android and iOS. In fact, the people behind Kivy emphasize that this is aimed primarily […]

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wxPython 201: Syncing Scrolling Between Two Grids

This week I saw a question on StackOverflow about putting two grids into a SplitterWindow which itself was in a Notebook page. Personally I think that’s a little convoluted, but I thought it was an interesting challenge and I came up with a solution. Then the fellow wanted to know how to sync the scrolling

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A new Python Kickstarter Project: Advanced Web Development, featuring Django 1.6

Last night I received an email about a new Python-related Kickstarter. The Real Python crew added a new author to write a book entirely about Django 1.6. This is a subject that I keep meaning to get into and haven’t had the opportunity to do so. Hopefully by backing this project, I’ll finally learn Django.

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wxPython: ObjectListview – How to Double-click items

The other day I was working on a project where I was using the fabulous ObjectListView widget (a wrapper around wx.ListCtrl) and I wanted to add the ability to double-click an item in the control to make it open a PDF. I knew I had read somewhere on the internet about how do this sort

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wxPython: Adding Tooltips to ObjectListView

Recently I was trying to figure out how to add tooltips to each item in an ObjectListView widget in wxPython on Windows. The wxPython wiki has an example that uses PyWin32, but I didn’t want to go that route. So I asked on the wxPython Google Group and got an interesting answer. They had actually

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Kivy 101: How to Use BoxLayouts

Recently I’ve started learning about Kivy, a Python Natural User Interface (NUI) toolkit. As I understand it, Kivy is kind of a spiritual successor to pyMT, which you can read more about here. In this article, we will be learning how Kivy handles layout management. While you can position widgets using x/y coordinates, in every

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Python 101: An Intro to Object Serialization with Pickle

Python’s “batteries included” philosophy even includes a module for object serialization. They call it the pickle module. Some people call serialization by other names, such as marshalling or flattening. In Python, it’s known as “pickling”. The pickle module also has an optimized C-based version known as cPickle that can run up to 1000 times faster

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How to Set up Wing IDE for Kivy on Windows

I like to use Wingware’s IDE for coding in Python. I am working through some sample applications with Kivy, a cross-platform Python GUI framework that can also create UIs for mobile. Anyway, getting Kivy set up in Wing is slightly confusing, so here’s a crash course: Download Kivy Unzip Kivy somewhere. In my case, I

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Book Review: Tkinter GUI Application Development HOTSHOT

There aren’t very many Tkinter books in existence, which is something I’ve always found a little odd as it is the GUI toolkit that is included with Python. Basically you have Grayson’s Python and Tkinter Programming from 2000 or Roseman’s Modern Tkinter for Busy Python Developers from 2012. I reviewed the latter here, if you’re

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wxPython 101: Using Frame Styles

The wxPython Frame widget is used in almost all wxPython applications. It has the minimize, maximize and close buttons on it as well as the caption along the top that identifies the application. The wx.Frame allows you to modify its styles in such a way that you can remove or disable various buttons and features.

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wxPython: How to Get Selected Cells in a Grid

Today we will be looking at how to get the selected cells from a wxPython grid object. Most of the time, getting the section is easy, but when the user selects more then one cell, getting the selection becomes more complicated. We will need to create some sample code to show how all this fits

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