
Real Python for Web Development Book on Kickstarter

Last week I was contacted about a cool sounding book project on Kickstarter: Real Python for Web Development, featuring web2py by Michael Herman. I have to admit that I’m not familiar with Mr. Herman or the person who originally contacted me about the book, but since I enjoy reading Python books and this one sounded […]

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Python Gets Funded by DARPA for Big Data Project: Blaze

I first heard about Blaze from NumPy’s original developer’s blog back in December 2012. A few days ago, InformationWeek announced that DARPA was funding the project to the tune of $3 million dollars to get some big data libraries written for Python. There will be two new projects, Blaze and Bokeh. Blaze will be an

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Python Concurrency: Porting from a Queue to Multiprocessing

Earlier this week, I wrote a simple post about Python’s Queues and demonstrated how they can be used with a threading pool to download a set of PDFs from the United States Internal Revenue Service’s website. Today I decided to try “porting” that code over to Python’s multiprocessing module. As one of my readers pointed

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Python 101: An Intro to logging

Python provides a very powerful logging library in its standard library. A lot of programmers use print statements for debugging (myself included), but you can also use logging to do this. It’s actually cleaner to use logging as you won’t have to go through all your code to remove the print statements. In this tutorial

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Python Concurrency: An Example of a Queue

Python comes with a lot of cool concurrency tools builtin, such as threads, Queues, semaphores and multiprocessing. In this article, we’ll spend some time learning how to use Queues. A Queue can be used for first-in-first out or last-in-last-out stack-like implementations if you just use them directly. If you’d like to see that in action,

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Advanced Python – How to Dynamically Load Modules or Classes

Every now and then you’ll find yourself needing to load modules or classes dynamically. In other words, you’ll want to be able to import a module without knowing ahead of time which one you’re going to import. In this article, we’ll look at two ways to accomplish this feat in Python. Using the __import__ Magic

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